Editor's Note: Parents with kids in the double-digit age range will find inspiration in Tim and Sue Muldoon's new book from Ave Maria Press. This is a time when we need to take a new look at how we guide and discipline our children, because what works with toddlers won't always work with teens. Building on a foundation of Ignatian spirituality, the Muldoons offer reflections based on Scripture and science, modeling discernment for our teens so that they'll be encouraged to use discernment skills in their own decision-making throughout life. As much a life skill as balancing a checkbook or changing a tire, learning to spiritually discern will serve your older children well in the coming years. Enjoy this excerpt from The Discerning Parent, an important book for all whose children have reached the tween years and beyond. --Barb
We have found these Catholic books on marriage to be incredibly helpful for couples. Find one or two that appeal to you and consider finding time to read with your spouse. A few minutes before bed or first in the morning may be all it takes to bring more of God into this important relationship.
READ BOOK The Discerning Parent: An Ignatian Guide to Raising Your Teen
The intended audience of this book includes the Christian faithful and discerning people of good will who are experiencing suffering or nearing the end of their lifespan, loved ones who are entrusted with serving as medical proxies, and healthcare professionals who work with people experiencing terminal illness or the dying process. Father Kirby has provided his readers with an accessible, succinct, and refreshing reflection on the sacred responsibility that flows from the sacred gift of life. 2ff7e9595c