The Psychedelic example demonstrates the use of a Canvas and touch events:The Xojo Notes example is a working app for managing notes. It uses two views, one to show the notes in a Table and another to add/edit them. The example also uses JSON to save the notes to the device.The Tic-Tac-Toe example is a working two-player game. It uses Auto-Layout so that the board resizes appropriately on different device sizes and when it rotates:The Tip Calculator is a full app that you can use to calculate tips when dining at your favorite restaurants:The UIDatePicker example demonstrates how you can use Declares to access iOS features not yet built-in to Xojo for iOS:The Font example shows you how easy it is to change the text font:
This release is immediately available to all current license holders. If your license is expired, you can renew here to access this release. The complete list of improvements can be found in the release notes in the product download at Xojo: Downloads.
iOS For Xojo Notes 1