VB Decompiler is decompiler for programs (EXE, DLL or OCX) written in Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 and disassembler for programs written on .NET technology. As you know, programs in Visual Basic can be compiled into interpreted p-code or into native code. .NET assembly always compiled to just in time compilable IL code. Since p-code consists of high-level...
vb decompiler pro v 7 9
VB Decompiler v11.9 has been released (August 29, 2022)What's new in this version:- New parser for If ... End If statements- Right clicking on any loc_XX address in a code and select "Copy to disassembler" not only merge decompiled and assembler code but also jumps to same code line as in Decompiler tab. It helps to analyze large procedures.- New parser for TypeLib information from external OCX/DLL, used in a decompiled file- Support extended prototype values in VTable (VB5/6)- Backward compatibility for Windows XP (experimental)- Parse prototypes of functions/procedure using RTTI- Support for dynamic size of Events structure- Filter "_adj_fdivr_m32" API (Native Code)- Parse "movzx" assembler command (Native Code)- Ignore "cwd" assembler command (Native Code)- Support external objects calling by early binding (P-Code)- Support calling by VTable offset public methods and get/set public variables in internal classes (Native Code)- New parser for assembler "test" command (Native Code)- Parsing array operand in "imul" command (Native Code)- Parsing array first operand in "cmp" command (Native Code)- Decompile calls to basic methods (with VTable offset 1 to 3Ch) of OLE objects: AddRef, Release, PropertyBag, etc (P-Code)- Increased row height for properties list in Designer- BugFix: Not show Form or Class in a Solution Explorer if this class placed before Module without public methods- BugFix: Ignore analyzing prototype for public "Sub" and "Functions" to display correct color of icon in Solution Explorer- BugFix: Show "(" and pointer to variable as a comment- BugFix: Parsing variable of "Select Case" statement where esi register is not used, but some optimizations used during compilation (Native Code)- BugFix: Type of method ("Sub" or "Function") can be cleared in a prototype declaration during analyzing code with unknown prototypeVB Decompiler v11.8 has been released (April 27, 2022)What's new in this version:- Show progress of VDD files loading on the splash screen if it opened using command line- Increased string references processing- Trim string references by vbCrLf- Detect x64 Delphi 11.1 files- Show progress status during decompile too large functions (VB5/6)- Support for FE16 constrained MS IL opcode (.NET)- Support deobfuscated .NET files with wrong call addresses in a code (.NET)- Optimizations of the "Replace" function- Process ResolutionScopeEncoded tables (.NET)- Add ResolutionScope to local variables and calls (.NET)- Break disassembling on "int 03h" in unmanaged .NET x64 code (.NET)- BugFix: Correctly load vdd databases with very large string references- BugFix: TabOrder in "String References" and "Procedure References" forms- BugFix: Incorrect size of the "ldloca" il opcode (.NET)- BugFix: Parsing pointer to pointer in local variables (.NET)- BugFix: Error on parsing some variant expressions in a stack, marked as integer (VB5/6)- BugFix: Error on show forms with Splitter control, where Min value larger than Max valueVB Decompiler v11.7 has been released (November 19, 2021)What's new in this version:- Now analytic features for forensics and malware analysts supports Visual Studio .NET applications. Supported all x86 and x64 .NET Windows platforms (Visual Basic, C#, etc) based on PE EXE/OCX/DLL files. VB Decompiler license with Analytic Features can generate a report, that contains detailed information about the activity of a decompiled program on a user's computer: working with files, registry, network, cryptography, .net threads and databases.- Search and Highlight for any keyword under the cursor. Just click on any operand, register or variable name and VB Decompiler highlight all same names in a whole code list. You can change highlight fore and back colors for custom color scheme by changing INI files in Colors subdirectory of the VB Decompiler. Just change UnderCursorBackground and UnderCursorForeground.- Popup menu for treeview now allows to jump procedure by it's path. You can copy path of each procedure using menu "Copy the name of section" and jump to this path using "Jump to the section". It can be helpful on the large projects.- Detect return value for P-Code functions without ExitProcCbHresult (P-Code)- Support dumps with incorrect MethodLinkCount (P-Code)- Support MethodPtr table and VB Decompiler use it to sort methods (.NET)- Show tables from the .NET applications if "#" heap name obfuscated (.NET)- Hebrew translation of the documentation and GUI by Lihai Konio- Turkish translation of the documentation and GUI by Murat EKSI- Changes in documentation on all supported languages- Analyze prototypes can be disabled in Analytics license for fast opening files (as in Business license). At any way if you need an Analytics Report then this option must be enabled.- Support for fchs FPU command (Native Code)- Improved heuristic type detection for private procedures and functions (Native Code)- Show class name before methods in calls (.NET)- Make prototypes of each call of function and procedure. Supported default parameters and links to a Field table (.NET)- Make prototypes of each API call (.NET)- Show TypeNamespace and TypeName of the class where called API function is declared (.NET)- Show parent class name if TypeNamespace is zero (.NET)- Support parsing TypeSpec blobs in a calls (.NET)- Parse default parameters of each call of function and procedure (.NET)- Show null char in a string as "\0" (.NET)- Support dumps with Entry point higher than size of the file- BugFix: Show correct address in "Referenced from" for Return and GoSub commands (P-Code)- BugFix: Procedure analyzer on access methods from variable (P-Code)- BugFix: Decompiler analyze double click on the names same with current opened function- BugFix: First argument in call of private functions and procedures in modules processed incorrectly (Native Code)- BugFix: Correctly show parameters for Property Let- BugFix: Tracing last line at P-Code procedure- BugFix: Show error if file has no MethodPtr table (.NET)- BugFix: Jumps from analytic reports to .NET functions (.NET)VB Decompiler v11.6 has been released (November 25, 2020)What's new in this version:- New perfect feature. Now VB Decompiler can find references to any global variable in all forms and modules. Just right click on any global variable in a decompiled code and click on "Find references". After search, VB Decompiler will show all founded functions in a list and you can jump to any function. Saving report, copying each entry and search on the list is also supported. This feature is for Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 files only.- Support plugins, written on the Python. Needs for 32 bit Python v3.8 installed. Example you can find in pyplugins directory in VB Decompiler folder. APIs is same with DLL plugins. Plugin loads by clicking menu with its name. You can edit code of the plugin and launch it without restarting VB Decompiler. Special thanks for samples to Stanislav Rakovskij- A lot of changes to support incorrect, dumped and obfuscated files to help research labs in analyze malware code.- Support incorrect dumps with trash in address and size of PE sections- Support obfuscated incorrect ordinals of VB5/6 APIs- Support .NET assemblies where "#" is not a first stream (.NET)- Support obfuscated VB5/6 files with incorrect pointers- BugFix: Close non-supported files after analyze- BugFix: Show loading and decompiling progress in Windows status bar- BugFix: Processing more than one file with color schemes and translationsVB Decompiler v11.5 has been released (July 6, 2020)What's new in this version:- Tables parser is completely refactored and improved (.NET)- Show module name, assembly name and assembly references at Project window after decompilation (.NET)- Support assemblies with duplicates of some streams (.NET)- Support assemblies with extra data in "#" stream (.NET)- Partially support MethodSemantics, MethodImpl, GenericParam, FieldRVA, EventMap, Event, PropertyMap, Property, AssemblyRefProcessor, AssemblyRefOS, ExportedType, ENCLog, ENCMap tables (.NET)- Support icons for dsr designer files and saving this icon to a dsx file- New events processing for ActiveX-based controls. A lot of most popular ActiveX libraries already supported via internal database. For unknown components VB Decompiler analyze TypeLib information of used OCX files and use protoypes of the events from this files. Please note, used ActiveX components should be registered using regsvr32.- Support events prototypes of the Animation, UpDown, TabStrip, Toolbar, StatusBar, ProgressBar, TreeView, ListView, Slider, Gauge, MhState, Connection, Recordset, Adodc, MSChart, MonthView, DTPicker, FlatScrollBar, ImageCombo, MSComm, DataGrid, DataList, DataCombo, DataRepeater, MSFlexGrid, MSHFlexGrid, Inet, MaskEdBox, Winsock, RichTextBox, SSTab, SSCheck, SSFrame, SSCommand, SSPanel, SSOption, SSRibbon controls- Don't place file names of modules and classes to vbp project file if option "Decompile only forms" is checked- Adding to the History recent files list only if file can be loaded- Optimizations and fixes in analyzer for packed files- BugFix: Size of "ResolutionScope" field in "TypeRef" table; Size of "GenericParam" and "Constraint" fields in "GenericParamConstraint" table; Size of "Field" field in "FieldLayout" table; Size of "Parent" field in "ClassLayout" table; Size of "MemberForwarded" and "ImportScope" fields in "ImplMap" table; Size of "MethodSpec" field in "Method" table; Size of "NestedClass" and "EnclosingClass" fields in "NestedClass" table; Size of "Implementation" field in "ManifestResource" table; Size of "Class" field in "MemberRef" table; Size of "Parent" field in "Constant" table; Size of "Parent" field in "DeclSecurity" table (.NET)- BugFix: Show token in "Method" table (.NET)- BugFix: Processing comparisons with more than 2 compares at single code line (Native Code)- BugFix: Nonstandard types declaration for standard events DragDrop, DragOver, OLEDragOver, OLEDragDrop, OLEStartDrag, OLESetData, WriteProperties, ReadProperties, AsyncReadComplete, AsyncReadProgress- BugFix: Correctly show start of the form in HEX Editor if offset is higher than ImageBaseVB Decompiler v11.4 has been released (April 5, 2020)What's new in this version:- Support addresses to global variables and objects in fld, fadd, fsub, fmul, fdiv, faddr, fsubr, fmulr, fdivr, faddrp, fsubrp, fmulrp, fdivrp fpu instructions (Native Code)- Getting value from register in fstp fpu instruction (Native Code)- Support pointer to register in fild fpu instruction (Native Code)- Support for fst FPU command (used only for unmanaged .NET code, VB6 use only fstp)- New FPU preprocessor for add, sub, mul and div commands with and without "p" and "r" suffixes (Native Code)- Filtering _adj_fdiv_r and _adj_fdiv_m64 with stack processing (Native Code)- Now you can disable analytic features and parsing prototypes on the fly, without changing options. Just hold "Shift" on the keyboard and start decompilation by pressing "Decompile" button or from recent files list (Analytic features)- Tracing is now works on both: Fast decompilation and Full decompilation modes (Tracing features)- Checkboxes on the main window now can be changed only on "Fast decompilation" mode, because this settings can be used only in fast decompilation mode- Japanese, French and German translations is updated- Search strings in a whole project of the .NET application via "Ctrl" + "F" (.NET)- Processing imports for x64 .NET managed applications- "Find next" button at String references list- Searching new file access APIs (Analytic features)- Searching new volume access APIs (Analytic features)- Searching new internet access APIs (Analytic features)- BugFix: Decompile msvbvmXX.dll functions __vbaR8IntI2, __vbaR8IntI4, rtcDateAdd (Native Code)- Plugin SDK function "VBD_SetActiveTextLine" now works for Decompiler and Disassembler tabs- FRX Viewer updated- BugFix: Processing boolean assignment to property via __vbaLateIdSt, __vbaVarLateMemSt, __vbaLateMemSt in some cases (Native Code)- BugFix: Procedure analyzer and optimizer can incorreclty replace the array variable with array index- BugFix: Processing "MemberRef" and "CustomAttribute" tables (.NET)- BugFix: Search strings in a whole project via "Ctrl" + "F"- BugFix: Issue with resizing panels at main window- BugFix: Processing "imul" assembler command (Native Code)- BugFix: Plugin SDK function "VBD_SetStatusBarText"- BugFix: Fix incorrect Virtual Tables- BugFix: Parsing type of "class" and "valuetype" variables (.NET)- BugFix: Jump history open incorrect tab after jumping from form to code or vice versaVB Decompiler v11.3 has been released (October 6, 2019)What's new in this version:- Support String References for "Fast decompilation" option if "Analyze Prototypes" option is enabled (for VB5/6 files only)- Support local ANSI charsets (include Japanese, Chinese, Korean) in String References, TStringList properties of controls (ListBox, ComboBox, etc) and long string from FRX files in Caption of Label and CommandButton- Database for Forms/Controls recovering is completely refactored- Recover most main properties of DataReports (dsr designer): ClientLeft, ClientTop, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, Caption, StartUpPosition and save properties of all controls to the OleObjectBlob (OLE container with other properties). You can open decompiled UI part of the DataReport in VB6 IDE.- Recover main properties of DataEnvironment files (without internal structure decompilation)- Declare OCX DLLs in Project- Support for some arrays in global variables (Native Code)- BugFix: Show functions with Chinese unicode names- BugFix: Jump to function by clicking address is file has no forms- BugFix: Error while opening VDD database files- BugFix: Freeze saving project with decompiled files with multibyte names (Japanese, Chinese, etc) if name after conversion from Unicode to ANSI contains slashes. VB Decompiler saves files with ANSI names because VB6 IDE is not support files with unicode names. Please note: you can open files with multibyte names using VB6 IDE only on Windows with same ANSI locale)- BugFix: Recent files list is not work on Windows XP with unicode locale- BugFix: Decompile msvbvmXX.dll functions: __vbaI2Cy, __vbaI4Cy- BugFix: Processing version info fields with more than 256 chars- BugFix: Filtering some integer variables as a compiler side variablesVB Decompiler v11.2 has been released (June 18, 2019)What's new in this version:- New analytic features for forensics and malware analysts. VB Decompiler can generate a report that contains detailed information about the activity of a decompiled program on a user's computer. Needs additional license.- Support heuristic prototypes for functions and procedures (P-Code)- New German documentation- Slovak translation is updated- Greek translation is updated- Support ReDim for zero length arrays (Native Code)- BugFix: Show pointer to main form as value at argument of procedure (Native Code)- BugFix: Access Violation on parsing incorrect API references (P-Code)- BugFix: Auto-created prototypes replaces named prototypesVB Decompiler v11.1 has been released (March 3, 2019)What's new in this version:- Show events list directly by clicking on any object on the form. After double click on any event - VB Decompiler show decompiled code. After jumping back - VB Decompiler open form on last viewed control (UI Viewer)- Add new types of objects (2 types of Modules and one type of Form)- Show unknown external calls in VTable of dumped files (P-Code)- Open files with fake VB signature (with pointer to out of file)- Filter wrappers to SetMemObj, GetMemVar, PutMemVar, SetMemVar, GetMemEvent, PutMemEvent, SetMemEvent at procedures list (Native Code)- Add to the form header references to used ActiveX objects- Now you can mark/unmark any function/procedure at the tree- New Option "IgnoreCharsConvertions" to disable conversion of the text values in a Forms from local non English language to Unicode (like #0000#0001)- Trying to recovery methods from the Modules of Visual Basic 5.0 files (P-Code)- Analyze bound imports for supporting some features for VB5 applications- BugFix: Freezes on some obfuscated procedures (Native Code)- BugFix: Error on opening some protected/obfuscated files- BugFix: Error on obfuscating Form without controls but with incorrect number of controls- BugFix: UDT search in Sub Main- BugFix: Show "call esi" if esi is unknown function- BugFix: Error if Import Table at end of file and no free space after last name or ordinal- BugFix: Incorrect parsing UserControl property "HitBehavior"- BugFix: If filename contain "&" char then it can't be deleted from recent listVB Decompiler v11 has been released (May 23, 2018)What's new in this version:- New processing engine for __vbaObjSet and __vbaHresultCheckObj (Native Code)- New processing engine for 24 Late calls: __vbaVarLateMemCallLd, __vbaVarLateMemCallLdRf, __vbaVarLateMemCallSt, __vbaVarLateMemSt, __vbaLateMemSt, __vbaVarLateMemStAd, __vbaLateMemStAd, __vbaLateIdCall, __vbaLateIdCallLd, __vbaLateIdCallSt, __vbaLateIdSt, __vbaLateIdStAd, __vbaLateMemCall, __vbaLateMemCallLd, __vbaLateMemCallSt, __vbaLateIdNamedCall, __vbaLateIdNamedCallLd, __vbaLateIdNamedCallSt, __vbaLateIdNamedStAd, __vbaLateMemNamedCall, __vbaLateMemNamedCallLd, __vbaLateMemNamedCallSt, __vbaLateMemNamedStAd, __vbaRaiseEvent. NamedCall's is partially supported. (Native Code)- Show "This Control" (variable with assigned active control) and "Temporary This" at Tracer window (Tracing features)- VB .NET decompiler is optimized and refactored- Tracing is now supported for P-Code functions and procedures. Just right click on an address in a decompiled or disassembled code (like loc_00401000) and select same menu link. Opened code will be emulated up to the selected address and you'll see stack, previous decompiled line, and current This object. This function works like a breakpoint on a debugger, but no code executed, only emulated. (P-Code)- New feature "Prototypes Analyzer". Before decompilation, VB Decompiler will analyze all Private functions and procedures for prototype. It helps to provide correctly decompiled calls to this procedures and functions. This feature can be activated in Options and decrease speed of the opening file (P-Code and Native Code)- New option for new feature: Parsing "If" ... "Else" ... "End If" blocks (Native Code)- "Add addresses" option now works in P-Code too- Support vbaNew2 calls for internal Forms, UserControls and Classes (Native Code)- Objects is now more strong typized (Native Code)- Decompile 16777215 as "True" at "If .. Then" statements (Native Code)- Filter calls to VB Runtime wrappers using VTable (Native Code)- Ukrainian translation by Dmitry Prigornitsky- Show operand for msvbvmXX.dll functions MemLdPr, LateIdLdVar, MemLdUI1, MemLdI2, MemLdR4, MemLdR8, MemLdFPR4, MemLdFPR8 (P-Code Lite Version)- Support for global variables as in a P-Code (Native Code)- Show Dispatch ID and VTable ID for Public and Private variables (P-Code and Native Code)- Support a lot of array in a push, mov, add and sub commands: [reg+reg], [reg-reg], [reg+Address], [reg-Address], [reg+reg*2] (Native Code)- Emulator stack size increased to form 16 to 64 dwords (Native Code)- Decompile "ExitProcCbHresult" with and without arguments differently (P-Code)- Doesn't calculate the entropy (test for packed/protected) for files larger than 5Mb. Increases download speed and is not required for most files.- Support disassembling of extremely large functions. Correctly find the finish part of this functions (for functions with up to 100k lines of code)- Increase speed for saving to file- Decompilation of "Err" object with all properties and methods (P-Code and Native Code)- Increased Native Code decompilation speed- Database of external OCX/DLL controls is filtered and optimized- Show all possible arguments at private procedure prototype by analyzing code of the procedure (Native Code)- Use different colors for "Sub" and "Functions"- Try to detect type of the procedure, declared as Private (Sub or Function)- Filter "Select Case" jump tables at the end of function (Native Code)- Declare User Defined Types (UDT) and public variables. For UDT VB Decompiler show size of the structure and count of string fields. For Public variables VB Decompiler show name and type- Add support for msvbvmXX.dll APIs: __vbaR8IntI2, __vbaR8IntI4, __vbaVargVarCopy, __vbaRedimVar, __vbaVarSetObjAddref, __vbaVarSetUnk, __vbaVarSetUnkAddref, __vbaVarSetVarAddref, __vbaVarXor, __vbaVarNot __vbaPowerR8, __vbaVarLateMemSt, __vbaStrLike, __vbaStrTextLike, __vbaVarLike, __vbaVarTextLike, __vbaVarTextLikeVar, __vbaVarLikeVar, __vbaDerefAry1, __vbaVargVarRef (Native Code)- Add partially support for msvbvmXX.dll APIs: __vbaRecAnsiToUni, __vbaRecAssign, __vbaRecDestruct, __vbaRecDestructAnsi, __vbaRecUniToAnsi- Add support for msvbvm50.dll APIs: __vbaVarTextCmpEq, __vbaVarTextCmpNe, __vbaVarMod (Native Code)- Show variables for msvbvmXX.dll functions: __vbaVarOr, __vbaVarNeg, __vbaVarMod, __vbaVarMul, __vbaVarPow, __vbaVarDiv, __vbaVarIdiv- Support RegExp2 class from vbscript.dll- Support "Select Case" statements with more than 255 cases (Native Code)- Search in a variables at Tracer window (Tracing features)- Save current Date/Time to the header of text file (Save all in one module)- Support for Objects: Form.Controls.X, MDIForm.Controls.X, UserControl.Controls.X, PpropertyPage.Controls.X, UserDocument.Controls.X, ListView.Items.X- Emulation for direct assembler 'Or' command with variables. Usually Visual Basic use __vbaVarOr or same APIs, but with __vbaXXXLike Visual Basic use native 'Or' (Native Code)- Support loading 4 and 8 byte floats from address by fild FPU command (Native Code)- Open binary file from *.lnk file. Pure binary parsing, APIs or WScript is not used. Not all types of *.lnk files is supported.- BugFix: Update decompiled code after editing any string in String References- BugFix: Decompile names of global variables in classes (if it saved to the binary file)- BugFix: Decompile msvbvmXX.dll function MemLdPr (P-Code)- BugFix: Decompile msvbvmXX.dll functions: __vbaR4ErrVar, __vbaR8ErrVar, __vbaR4Var, rtcRandomNext, __vbaBoolVar- BugFix: Decompile msvbvm50.dll functions: __vbaRedim, __vbaRedimPreserve- BugFix: Correctly process prototype of the function with more than the nine parameters parameters via the stack- BugFix: Correctly process "End If" in some cases then this address is filtered by "Procedure analyzer and optimizer"- BugFix: Correctly process object properties Left/Top/Width/Height as Single floating point (Native Code)- BugFix: Correctly process "End If" and other block-closing commands in some cases, if "Add Address" option is unchecked (Native Code)- BugFix: Processing strings with only quote (") and apostrophe (') charsVB Decompiler v10.8 has been released (February 20, 2018)What's new in this version:- New perfect feature. Now VB Decompiler can find references to any procedure or function in all forms and modules. After search, VB Decompiler show all founded functions in a list and you can jump to any function. Saving report, copying each entry and search on the list is also supported. This feature is for Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 files only.- Forms parser refactored. Now it support a lot of forms, what incompatible with previous version of decompiler- Decompile "ToolTipText" property of OLE objects on a Form- Support for windows style as in Visual Studio. Now you can view the code at left side and solution explorer at the right side of VB Decompiler main window. You can change it in options.- Improved UI of String Reference dialog- Show String Reference dialog at right bottom corner of the main window- Greek translation by John Kochliarides- Documentation (Help files) on most languages is updated- Decompile msvbvm functions: __vbaWriteFile- BugFix: Parsing "DoEvent" call via edi register (Native Code)- BugFix: Show help files for Danish and Czech languages- BugFix: Show English help files for French and Slovak languagesVB Decompiler v10.7 has been released (August 18, 2017)What's new in this version:- Now you can jump to the code of any Event (MouseClick, KeyPress, OnLoad, etc.) just in a GUI designer. Just open any form in a GUI Designer, double click by any control and at right Properties table click on an "_Event" field. You'll see a menu box with code handlers for each Event of this control. Click on any handler to see the code (VB5/6)- Decompilation speed increased up to 5 times! A lot of code refactored.- Emulate adding negative values to the esp register (Native Code)- Recovery names of external objects if CLSID records in registry has no VersionIndependentProgID field, but has ProgID field instead- Option "Add HEX Dump" now works for P-Code applications too (P-Code)- BugFix: Processing ExitProcI2, ExitProcR4, ExitProcR8, ExitProcCy, ExitProcUI1, ExitProcI2, ExitProcStr, ExitProcR4, ExitProcR8, ExitProcCy, ExitProcCb, ExitProcCbStack (P-Code)- Fill file type property at VBP project to "Exe" if file extension is not correct- BugFix: Fixes in Spanish translation- BugFix: Correctly parse some stack parameters (Native Code)- BugFix: Incorrect declare properties of UDT or array as variable (P-Code)- BugFix: Correctly process Virtual Addresses between end of one section and stert of next section if sections is not aligned- BugFix: Not critical bugs in Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 obfuscation engine- BugFix: Delete record from Recent files history list if file is not found- BugFix: Correcly decompile "Class" field at "MemberRef" table (.NET)- BugFix: Support for 4 byte long indexes for "CustomAttribute" table (.NET)- BugFix: Decompile msvbvmXX.dll functions __vbaR4Sgn, __vbaR4Var (Native Code)- BugFix: Parsing of MemberRef table with LongStr flag (.NET)- BugFix: Parsing some types of local variables (.NET)VB Decompiler v10.6 has been released (December 15, 2016)What's new in this version:- Show values from the .NET tables as text by clicking each table (.NET)- Decompile "GenericParamConstraint" table (.NET)- Decompile msvbvm functions: __vbaGosubFree, __vbaGosubReturn, __vbaStrTextCmp, __vbaVarTextTstEq, __vbaVarTextTstGe, __vbaVarTextTstGt, __vbaVarTextTstLe, __vbaVarTextTstLt, __vbaVarTextTstNe, __vbaForEachCollVar, __vbaI4Sgn, __vbaCopyBytes, VBDllGetClassObject, GetMem2, GetMem4, GetMem8, GetMemStr, GetMemVar, GetMemObj, PutMem2, PutMem4, PutMem8, PutMemStr, SetMemVar, SetMemObj, GetMem1, PutMem1, __vbaRefVarAry, __vbaVarIndexLoadRefLock, __vbaVarIndexStore, __vbaStrUI1, __vbaVarIdiv, __vbaStrBool, __vbaR8ErrVar, __vbaI2Abs, __vbaI2Sgn, __vbaR8ForNextCheck, __vbaCheckType, __vbaStr2Vec, __vbaUnkVar, __vbaVargVar, __vbaVerifyVarObj, __vbaObjAddref, __vbaFpCDblR4, __vbaFpCDblR8, __vbaCheckTypeVar, __vbaStrCompVar, __vbaVarLateMemCallSt, __vbaLateIdStAd (Native Code)- Decompile msvbvm50 functions: __vbaUI1I2, __vbaUI1I4 (Native Code)- Decompile P-Code functions: VerifyVarObj, LateIdStAd, VarIndexSt, EraseDestruct, EraseDestrKeepData (P-Code)- Support for Case Else in Select Case statement (Native Code)- BugFix: Correcly decompile "CustomAttribute" table (.NET)- BugFix: Correcly select string after jumping from the String References to theDisassembler window- BugFix: Strings Viewer for #US heap (.NET)- BugFix: Add brace symbol for GUIDs of unregistered OCX files to the VBP Project file- BugFix: Procedure analyzer and optimizer correctly parse GoSub, GoSubFree and Return commands (Native Code)- BugFix: Procedure analyzer and optimizer correctly parse array index variables- BugFix: Decompile msvbvmXX.dll function __vbaNextEachCollVar, __vbaVarIndexLoad, __vbaI2Var (Native Code)- BugFix: Show strings with "%" chars (P-Code)- BugFix: Decompile msvbvmXX.dll function VarIndexLdVar (P-Code)- BugFix: Don't clean some fields in a controls cache after previous decompilation (VB5/6)- BugFix: Emulation of "jmpf" assembler command (Native Code)- BugFix: Decompile some types of Select Case statements (Native Code)VB Decompiler v10.5 has been released (July 29, 2016)What's new in this version:- GUI designer for Forms and UserControls with support of Unicode, frx captions, frx graphic icons and images. A lot of properies already supported!- Optimized parsing of compared operands cmp, set, etc (Native Code)- Emulator supports faddr, fsubr, fmulr, fdivr, faddrp, fsubrp, fmulrp, fdivrp (Native Code)- Parse icon properties in forms with incorrect content- Open file/database dialog use last open directory (not root directory of VB Decompiler)- Russian codepage fix (windows return 866, except 1251 for LanguageID 1049)- Show loading and decompiling progress and status if file or VDD database opened from command line- Jump history now works not only for functions, but for Forms and UserControls too- Decompilation speed increased- Danish language added (GUI and Help file). Thanks to Sander Knudsen- Brazilian Portuguese language added (GUI). Thanks to Lincoln Hirata- Changes in Indonesian language file- BugFix: Some memory leaks fixed- BugFix: Parse "NegotiatePosition" property of the Menu controls- BugFix: Save MDIForm frm and frx to correct names- BugFix: Crashes on forms and classes with more than 999 functions- BugFix: Parsing language files with incorrect structure- BugFix: Save large .NET files to database- Bugfix: Search VB5! signature in OCX files- Bugfix: "Value" property size for HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls- Bugfix: 2-byte Integers processed as Unsigned in form properties- BugFix: Disabled "Decompile" button after open VDD database- BugFix: Parsing external OCX with incorrect TypeLibVB Decompiler v10.4 has been released (April 7, 2016)What's new in this version:- Decompile VB5/6 SEH error handlers. All formats of VB SEH supported, include "On Error Resume Next", multiple "On Error GoTo XXX" and "On Error GoTo 0" commands (Native Code)- Decompile calls methods from local class module (Native Code)- Try to decompile drag and dropped files with non exe/ocx/dll extension- Filter for double decompiled lines, with and without var_eax (Native Code)- Decompile msvbvm functions: SetVarVarFunc, LateIdCallSt, VarLateMemLdRfVar, IStDargCopy, CRefVarAry, ILdDarg (P-Code)- Decompile msvbvm functions: VarLateMemLdRfVar, VarLateMemLdVar, VarLateMemCallLdVar, IStDargCopy, ILdRfDarg, ILdDarg, ILdUI, ILdR8, ILdAd, ILdFPR4 (P-Code Lite)- Decompile msvbvm functions: __vbaI4Abs, __vbaForEachCollAd (Native Code)- Decompile assembler functions: idiv (Native Code)- Decompile create object command FDF4 New (P-Code)- Increased speed of disassembling IL code (.NET)- Accelerated 7 times strings parser, loading too fast for most applications (.NET)- Accelerated 5 times code decompiling in Pro version (Native Code)- Accelerated 5 times tracing code in Pro version with Tracing features (Native Code)- Supports methods with more than 32737 lines of code (.NET)- Supports index in Strings heap with unsigned values (.NET)- Decompile OleObjectBlob and other properties for ActiveX controls on Forms and save this blob to frx file- Decompile parent object name for the ActiveX controls on the Forms- Most code of decompilation engine is refactored- Improved recognition engine of VTable calls (Native Code)- Decompile TypeSpec addresses from Methods (.NET)- Decompile local variables (.NET)- BugFix: Decompile Int64 arguments (.NET)- BugFix: Show UTF-8 strings in names of namespaces, classes and methods (.NET)- BugFix: Parsing variables with "+/-" operations in Procedure analyzer and optimizer- BugFix: Show GUID of ActiveX files in Project VBP with dash in latest bytes- BugFix: Show controls of form with no public controls- BugFix: Replace arg_8 to Me (pointer of object) if Fast decompilation mode disabled- BugFix: No "lib" preffix before name of DLL in API declaration- BugFix: Correcly show strings with offset to center another string reference (.NET)- BugFix: Correcly show user strings (#US) if string larger than 128 but less than 256 bytes (.NET)VB Decompiler v10.3 has been released (February 7, 2016)What's new in this version:- Decompile TypeLib information from all external ActiveX files (OCX, DLL), and make on the fly signatures for all Properties and Methods in each Interface and Dispatch class- Use type information for return values from each property and method from external OCX/DLL files- 1853 new API prototypes. At this time VB Decompiler supports decompilation more than 3418 APIs- Search original file at folder with database (VDD) file if path from VDD is invalid- Process SafeArrays from __vbaAryVar and __vbaAryCopy (Native Code)- Long lines as a hint in Tracing window (Native Code, Tracing features)- Support "mov reg, [reg+reg]" (Native Code)- Jumps to HEX Editor by clicking on global variables (Native Code)- Support for fld/fadd/fsub/fmul/fdiv st0, real8 ptr [reg1+reg2*8] (Native Code)- Support one char strings (Native Code)- Try to open possible packed files (can help to open files with a lot of images on forms and looks like packed)- Decompile msvbvm functions: __vbaObjIs (Native Code)- Decompile references to ActiveX files with %SystemRoot% variable at the filename- BugFix: Decompile msvbvmXX.dll function rtcKillFiles, rtcChangeDir, rtcMakeDir, rtcRemoveDir, rtcChangeDrive, rtcFileLocation, __vbaCastObj (Native Code)- BugFix: Decompile parameter type of external calls from OCX libraries- Correcly decompile BetweenUI1, BetweenI2, BetweenI4, BetweenR4, BetweenR4, BetweenCy, BetweenVar, BetweenStr, BetweenTextVar, BetweenTextStr (P-Code)- BugFix: Decompile "and" and "or" opcodes if first operand is expression (Native Code)- BugFix: Decompile "setXX" opcodes if register set to zero or not initialized (Native Code)- BugFix: Decompile pushes to address with start code "xor eax, eax" (Native Code)- BugFix: Correctly saving ControlIndex array to the vdd databaseVB Decompiler v10.2 has been released (December 4, 2015)What's new in this version:- Support additional Select Case statements (Native Code)- Support arrays access in "add reg, value" (Native Code)- Show links to stack from registers (Native Code, Tracing features)- Decompile access to arrays from __vbaVarIndexLoad (Native Code)- Show parameters for MemLdRfVar in Lite version (P-Code)- Decompile static SafeArray for rtcArray function (Native Code)- Show contents from address in stack, placed in register (Tracing mode)- Jumps to HEX Editor by clicking on each address like &H00401000 and 00401000h (Native Code)- Decompile unknown procedures by clicking on address like Proc_401000 (Native Code)- No "Decompiled OK" message after decompilation- BugFix: Correctly process jmp commands, if it's jump back into this procedure (Native Code)- BugFix: Reset selected block after return to previous procedure (Native Code)- BugFix: Decompile properties from indexed controls (P-Code)- BugFix: Decompile "Set" operator in some cases (P-Code)VB Decompiler v10.1 has been released (September 2, 2015)What's new in this version:- Decompile msvbvm functions: __vbaDateVar, __vbaDateStr, __vbaForEachAry, __vbaExitEachAry, __vbaStrDate, __vbaStrFixstr, __vbaLsetFixstr, _adj_fdiv_m32, __vbaUbound, __vbaEraseKeepData, __vbaRecAssign, __vbaUI1Str, __vbaStrR8, __vbaVargParmRef, __vbaVargVarMove, __vbaInStrVar, __vbaInStrVarB, __vbaMidStmtBstr, __vbaMidStmtBstrB, __vbaMidStmtVar, __vbaMidStmtVarB, __vbaFixstrConstruct, __vbaR8Cy, __vbaCyMulI2, __vbaFpCy, __vbaR4Cy, __vbaCyMul, __vbaCyVar, __vbaFailedFriend, __vbaFpCmpCy, __vbaCyAdd, __vbaCySub, __vbaCyAbs, __vbaCyFix, __vbaCyInt, __vbaCySgn, __vbaUI1Cy, __vbaCyUI1, __vbaStrCy, __vbaCyStr, __vbaCyForInit, __vbaCyForNext (Native Code)- Decompile strings with only one char (Native Code)- Decompile "Case Is" blocks (Select Case ... Case Is = X ... End Select) with serial and random cases with "Select" global variable (Native Code)- Highlight "Preserve" operator- Fixed Arabic language. Thanks to lculator zaloom- Convert "%" to "Chr(37)" to avoid processing user string as signature- BugFix: Decompile msvbvm50.dll function __vbaForEachVar (Native Code)- BugFix: Decompile msvbvmXX.dll function __vbaNextEachAry, __vbaLsetFixstrFree, __vbaAryLock, __vbaAryUnlock, __vbaR4Str (Native Code)- BugFix: Decompile call to function from unknown dll (P-Code, Native Code)- BugFix: Use language, selected in installer- BugFix: Correctly process operands of fld command (Native Code)- BugFix: Correctly process variables where type has 3 numbers (ex. var_104), but content 2 numbers (ex. var_FC)- BugFix: Jump back/forward by pressing ""VB Decompiler v10.0 has been released (June 1, 2015)What's new in this version:- Decompile assembler functions: cdq, sar, sal, leaved, sahf, fcomp, fldz functions (Native Code)- Decompile assembler setXX (setz, setnz, setle, etc) functions (Native Code)- Decompile msvbvm functions: __vbaVarVargNofree, __vbaStrR4, __vbaDerefAry, __vbaStrVarCopy, __vbaPrintObj, __vbaLateMemStAd, __vbaCastObj, __vbaChkstk, __vbaLateMemCallLd, __vbaLateMemCallSt, __vbaVarLateMemCallLdRf functions (Native Code)- Decompile msvbvm functions: VarLateMemCallLdVar, CAdVar (P-Code)- Decompiling arrays and operations with arrays (Native Code)- Additional preprocessing for creating objects with __vbaNew2 (Native Code)- Filtering subtracting zero (Native Code)- Support decompilation for 'ReDim' function for multi-dimension dynamic arrays (Native and P-Code)- Increase COM objects processing speed for internal components like Form, TextBox, etc (Native Code)- Save and recovery cursor position in decompiled/disassembled code after calling tracer- Save and recovery cursor position in decompiled/disassembled code after jumping forward/backward by clicking name of procedure/function- Refactoring and increase speed of most code- Fixed and rewriten all help files- Procedure optimizer also optimize code with global variables (Native Code)- Processing save to global variable via 32 bit address (Native Code)- Processing "ByRef" double float varibles (Native Code)- Find more functions in modules (Native Code)- Processing push to stack via 'mov reg, esp; mov [reg+XXXXXXXXh], value" (Native Code)- New menu icons and splash screen- BugFix: Correctly process "If ... End If" when "End If" at end address of function (Native Code)- BugFix: Process variables (var_*) in "If ... Then" commands (Native Code)- BugFix: Correctly decompile code with calls to properties of Labels- BugFix: Processing internal GUIDs of Forms and UserControls (P-Code)- BugFix: Processing msvbvm functions: __vbaFPFix, __vbaFPInt, rtcDoEvents (Native Code)- BugFix: Processing assembler functions: fstp (Native Code)- BugFix: Not support files with more than 20000 controls in all formsVB Decompiler v9.9 has been released (January 6, 2015)What's new in this version:- Decompile msvbvm functions: IStStrCopy, FreeVarNoPop, FreeStrNoPop, LateMemCallLdVar, VarLateMemSt, NewIfNullRf, NewIfNullAd (P-Code)- Decompile COM objects ADO (ado15.dll), MS Internet Controls (ieframe.dll)- Portuguese translation by Sergio Zucchi Tricarico- Support for 150% fonts scale in Windows 8.1VB Decompiler v9.8 has been released (October 3, 2014)What's new in this version:- New feature (only for licenses with Tracing support): trace to this address. Just right click on an address in a decompiled or disassembled code (like loc_00401000) and select same menu link. Opened code will be emulated up to the selected address and you'll see stack and registers state at this line. This function works like a breakpoint on a debugger, but no code executed, only emulated. This feature is experimental and may fails if emulator can't emulate some assembler opcode (Native Code)- New x86/64 disassembler, based on mediana source code- Changing 4 bytes of string length after editing string in String References- Detect TypeLib GUID from UUID of the external components and save to the Project (vbp)- Decompile calls in UserControls with addresses in VTable (calling external ActiveX controls, placed on UserControl)- Disable edit menu in a String References for strings with null chars- Translation of new words to German, Japan, Russian- Translation to Kurdish (sorani) by haval sardar- Translation to Indonesian by Edi Gunawan- BugFix: Parse standard COM objects for some Native Code applications- BugFix: Jumping to strings contained quotes in String References- BugFix: Ignore DataReport files during obfuscation process- BugFix: Emulate some conditional jumps (Native Code)- BugFix: Finding addresses of some functions in modules (Native Code)- BugFix: Processing MethodSpec with zero parameter (.NET)VB Decompiler v9.7 has been released (March 14, 2014)What's new in this version:- Native Code emulator is highly improved- Detect and decompile calls to the external ActiveX on-the-fly. Connect to the external ActiveX by CLSID, check IID and get properties and methods (Native Code)- Wine (linux) support- New feature: copy decompiled code to disassembler. Just right click in a decompiled code and select same menu link- Open database (VDD) by drag and drop to main window- Open database (VDD) from command line- Generate empty variables from referencess to empty memory (Native Code)- Decompile msvbvm functions: __vbaGet3, __vbaGetFxStr3, __vbaGetOwner3, __vbaPut3, __vbaPutFxStr3, __vbaPutOwner3, rtcEndOfFile, rtcCurrentDirBstr, rtcDir, rtcFileReset, rtcFreeFile, rtcVarDateFromVar, __vbaFPFix, __vbaFPInt, rtcFilter, __vbaBoolStr, __vbaCyI2, __vbaCyI4, __vbaDateR4, __vbaDateR8, __vbaHresultCheck, rtcErrObj, rtcIMEStatus, rtcFormatCurrency, rtcFormatPercent, rtcMidBstr, rtcMidVar, rtcWeekdayName, rtcMonthName, __vbaStrComp, __vbaAryVar, __vbaAryCopy, rtcGetObject, __vbaErase, __vbaVarZero, rtcCallByName, rtcDateDiff, rtcDatePart, rtcSLN, rtcSYD, rtcDDB, rtcIPMT, rtcPPMT, rtcPMT, rtcPV, rtcFV, rtcNPer, rtcRate, rtcIRR, rtcMIRR, rtcNPV, __vbaDerefAry1 (P-Code, Native Code)- Decompile msvbvm functions: CVarErrI4, ImpAdCallUI1, ImpAdCallI4, FnStrComp3, FnStrComp3Var, VarLateMemLdVar (P-Code)- Delete unused variables during emulation __vbaFreeVar (Native Code)- Decompile OpenFile functions with processing all parameters (Native Code)- BugFix: a lot of fixes in msvbvm50 signatures- BugFix: decompiling rtcVarBstrFromByte, __vbaInStr, __vbaInStrB, __vbaStrCopy, __vbaStrMove, __vbaStrVarMove functions, rtcBeep, rtcCommandBstr, rtcCommandVar, rtcInputBox, rtcShell, rtcMsgBox, rtcDoEvents, __vbaObjSetAddref, rtcPackDate, rtcPackTime (P-Code, Native Code)- BugFix: decompiling GetRec4, PutRec4, FnInStrB4, FnLenBStr, Erase (P-Code)- BugFix: decompiling Math functions (Native Code)- BugFix: checkbox "Parse stack parameters" works incorrectly- BugFix: parsing additional methods (P-Code)- BugFix: unclose quotes in some strings (P-Code)VB Decompiler v9.6 has been released (January 13, 2014)What's new in this version:- Show user strings after click on #US heap (.NET)- Added support for calling APIs by ordinals (P-Code)- Disassembler tab for unmanaged .NET code- Smart search in HEX Editor mode (supported searching ANSI, UTF-16 and HEX) Hotkeys Ctrl+F and F3 also worked- Selected text automatically copied to the Search dialog after pressing Ctrl+F- Decompile calls to user functions with processing parameters (Native Code)- Decompile msvbvm functions: __vbaRecDestruct, __vbaRecDestructAnsi, __vbaRecUniToAnsi, __vbaInStr, __vbaInStrB, rtcErrObj, __vbaVarCmpEq, __vbaVarCmpGe, __vbaVarCmpGt, __vbaVarCmpLe, __vbaVarCmpLt, __vbaVarCmpNe, __vbaVarTstEq, __vbaVarTstGe, __vbaVarTstGt, __vbaVarTstLe, __vbaVarTstLt, __vbaVarTstNe (Native Code)- Ignore parameters in "Exit Sub" function (Native Code)- Filtered a lot of compiler code (Native Code)- Filtered references to compiler code (Native Code)- Updated German localization (thanks to Hors)- BugFix: options "Add address", "Add HEX dump"- BugFix: processing vbNullString in Caption of form controlsVB Decompiler v9.5 has been released (November 19, 2013)What's new in this version:- Support for the x64 .NET applications (managed code only)- All translations is true unicode now- Correctly show unicode chars in name of form, module, function, code, etc- Unicode editing of String References- All internal code and structures is rewriten to unicode now- New functions for String References (access from the popup menu): copy to clipboard and open in a HEX Editor- Deleted right edge line at the code listing- ProgressBar in Windows 7/8 taskbar- Increased string referencess processing speed- Filtering empty lines of code- File opening and compiler checking optimized- Increasing speed of the parsing methods (VB5/6)- Refactoring and optimizations- Search strings without a case sensitive- After opening database and if file for the decompilation is not found, VB Decompiler trying to search file in a folder with database- Processing single vbCr and vbLf (P-Code)- Show partially recovered DataReport, DataEnvironment, DHTMLPage designers (dsr) PropertyPages (pag) and UserDocuments (dob)- BugFix: Fixed adding empty comments in disassembler mode- BugFix: Fixed processing of string referencess (if lines more than possible in ListBox)- BugFix: No more doubles in string referencess- BugFix: Fixed decompilation assembler code from addresses in .NET assemblies- BugFix: Fixed finding the ending of function with old style of ending- BugFix: Fixed editing of the string referencess- BugFix: Fixed cleaning of the ObjectList array before load new application- BugFix: Correcly open databases if file for the decompilation is not found- BugFix: Don't crashes on jumping to procedure by doubleclick if project has no forms- BugFix: Correctly process address in relative jumps (Native Code)- BugFix: Correctly save VB6 app to the database after saving .NET app to the another database- BugFix: Correctly save and assign Width of main form on some systems- BugFix: Emulation error "$ret_1 is not valid integer value"- BugFix: Doubles in object section of project file- BugFix: Crashes on showing collapsed blocks of code in code viewerVB Decompiler v9.4 has been released (August 17, 2013)What's new in this version:- Main interface completely redesigned. Now you can view both decompiled and disassembled code on one screen. You can also view and edit a file in HEX mode on the same screen. It's so nice and easy!- UserControls tab is now hidden in the tree for files without user controls. The same action is for Form tab for files without forms and for Project tab for files without GUI objects.- Plugins SDK is improved. Added new functions: GetActiveDisasmText (52), SetActiveDisasmText (53), GetModuleFunctionDisasm (70), SetModuleFunctionDisasm (71)- Show references from GoTo in Native Code- Parsing "If" ... "End If" and "If" ... "Else" ... "End If" blocks in Native Code (experimental, you may enable it in Options)- Support for the 125% fonts in Windows- Language select and autodetect the system language in installer- English and Russian help files updated- A copy of SubMain code is displayed on a dedicated page- New language files and updates of the existing files- Processing files with 10,000+ controls in all forms- Set focus on a decompiled code after opening any function and show the active form in a treeview.- Auto-backup before changing file in a HEX editor.- Saving result dialogs improved. Auto-select the directory with the decompiled file, checking for the opened file, etc.- BugFix: Fixed processing of files without any forms or modules- BugFix: Fixed processing of files without any procedures or functions- BugFix: Fixed processing of VB6 files with incorrect entry code- BugFix: Fixed errors that arose during processing- BugFix: Fixed processing command line. Deleted "Ok" message for files, decompiled from command line- BugFix: Fixed allocating memory for the text values for the plugins- BugFix: Fixed processing saved Left and Top values of main form of the VB Decompiler- BugFix: Fixed disassembling large functions in Lite version- BugFix: Fixed processing strings with an incorrect bytes in end of stringVB Decompiler v9.3 has been released (April 5, 2013)What's new in this version:- New powerful HEX editor in the "Patch data" tool with change highlighting, undo/redo functions, and copy/paste of HEX blocks of bytes- Patch dialog is now sizable (size will be saved in the registry to be used when VB Decompiler is launched next time)- Czech translation and documentation- Chinese documentation (thanks to ZeNiX)- Decompilation of applications with more than 999 forms, modules, or classes- Now "Do you want to..." message is not displayed before opening any file- Changes in processing "FC67" opcode (P-Code)- Displaying NewIfNullPr opcode in Lite version (P-Code)- Displaying status of processing methods- BugFix: Fixed some memory leaks- BugFix: Fixed processing of modules with some unknown flags (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed processing of incorrect offsets (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed processing of main menu translation- BugFix: Fixed processing of complex strings in VB6 applications- BugFix: Fixed detection of "retn" command (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed processing of incorrect "edi" register value in "call" command (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed access violation on double-clicking empty text input field- BugFix: DLL obfuscation now works correctlyVB Decompiler v9.2 has been released (Nov. 12, 2012)What's new in this version:- Windows 8 is fully supported- Decoding UTF8 names (.NET)- Jumping by clicking on a procedure name- Popup menu for treeview now allows to copy an item name- Popup menu for code view with "Copy" and "Select All" operations- Displaying virtual addresses of string references in code (.NET)- Syntax highlighting for branches (.NET)- Displaying TypeDef table content (.NET)- Processing filters for SEH handlers (.NET)- String references dialog is now sizable- Caching color highlighted procedures in standard control- Splash screen (displays loading process at decompiler start)- Saving main window parameters (left, top, width, height, and splitter position) in the registry, to be restored when VB Decompiler is launched next time- New code highlighting control based on SynEdit sources- New color scheme and code highlighting scheme- File drag-and-dropping is allowed for the whole form- Displaying different icon in API declarations (.NET) - BugFix: Fixed updating of checkboxes after resizing windows- BugFix: Fixed processing of "ldloc" and "stloc" opcodes (.NET)- BugFix: Fixed processing of table alignment (.NET)- BugFix: Fixed processing of more than 44 tables (.NET)- BugFix: Fixed data patching via Patch Data dialog- BugFix: Fixed processing of parameters of the last MethodDef table field (.NET)- BugFix: Fixed emulation of labels and "finally" markers (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed processing of user classes with incorrect RTTI (Native Code)VB Decompiler v9.1 has been released (Sept. 16, 2012)What's new in this version:- Decompilation of MidVar and MidBVar functions (P-Code)- Correct processing and saving of DataDesigner classes- BugFix: More fixes in the form parserVB Decompiler v9.0 has been released (July 6, 2012)What's new in this version:- TreeView now works faster with large files- Detection of project type (P-Code or Native) after opening a database (needed to correctly decompile some code if database is saved in Fast Decompilation mode)- Loading and saving objects information to the database if Fast Decompilation option is active- Speed of the procedure analyzer and optimizer is improved- Decompilation of calls to "List" properties in FileListBox, DirListBox, etc.- Saving blobs of UserControls to .ctx files- Stack max size changed from 9 to 16 (VB)- FPU stack max size changed from 7 to 16 (VB)- Calling methods and properties from user classes is now supported- Clearing "this" pointer after the end of each block (If, For) of opcodes (P-Code)- Support for "this" pointer in UserControls and PropertyPages (VB)- Declaration of global object variables in classes- Japanese translation by Okamoto Alpha (okamotoatalpha-sys.codotjp)- Translation of FPU formulas (Native Code)- Support for "ldelem", "stelem", "unbox.any" and "readonly" commands (.NET)- File checking for incorrect fields before decompilation- BugFix: Fixed saving of .frx and .ctx files- BugFix: Fixed header generation for class modules- BugFix: Fixed processing of Property Let parameters- BugFix: Fixed processing of LateMemSt opcode in some cases (P-Code)- BugFix: Fixed assignment of variables to typed object properties (P-Code)- BugFix: Fixed processing of databases without code- BugFix: Fixed generation of object references in the Project file (VB)- BugFix: Fixed processing of linear sizes of controls (VB Forms)- BugFix: Fixed processing of "fstp" command (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed obfuscation of some Delphi programs (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed detection of the end of code in C++ and Delphi procedures (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed generation of API cache in disassembler mode- BugFix: Fixed processing of unsigned integers in code (.NET)- BugFix: Fixed processing of some cases of prototypes (.NET)- BugFix: Fixed saving of compiler version to resulting text file (.NET)- BugFix: Fixed displaying of procedure name for unknown procedures in resulting function- BugFix: Fixed opening of string references in large programs- BugFix: Fixed parsing of stack after "jmp" opcode in SEH (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed processing of ComboBox text properties in Forms- BugFix: Fixed processing of global variables in FPU emulation (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed processing of prototype in array of objects (VB)VB Decompiler v8.4 has been released (Jan. 25, 2012)What's new in this version:- Locale detection for Unicode names in decompiled applications- Database now also contains information about locale- Correct saving of files with Unicode names- Correct detection of type of some modules- Compatibility fixes for Wine support (Linux)- VB Decompiler pre-launch self-testing engine- ProgressBar in Windows 7 taskbar now also works on SP1- Decompilation of __vbaUI1I2 and __vbaUI1I4 msvbvm functions- BugFix: Fixed detection of size of unmanaged .NET codeVB Decompiler v8.3 has been released (Aug. 30, 2011)What's new in this version:- Calling VTable properties and methods from a form to any other form now can be decompiled. For example, if you change from Form1 an object property in Form2, it can be correctly decompiled (Native Code)- Parameters of object method/property are now typical. If an object has such parameters as boolean or single, they will be decompiled correctly: single as float, boolean as True/False (Native Code)- Decompilation of declarations of all array types. Multifield arrays and arrays of objects (for example, array of Form or commandButton) are supported too (Native Code)- Decompilation of __vbaVar2Vec and __vbaAryMove msvbvm functions- Italian translation- Parsing control array index in events- Parsing functions that return value (P-Code)- Help files (English and Russian) updated. New topics written: Opening a file, Working with a database, Saving the list of procedures, Jump to an address, The main window, Viewing code, Decompilation from offset, Language selection, Plugins- Language files changed- BugFix: Fixed calculation of the number of parameters in public subs- BugFix: Fixed processing of the second parameter in "For" command by procedure analyzer and optimizer- BugFix: Fixed processing of some types of VarType integer and long (Native Code)- BugFix: Fixed detection of the end of some nonstandard procedures in source mode (Native Code)VB Decompiler v8.2 has been released (April 20, 2011)What's new in this version:- Jumping back and forth from function to function (call stack)- Double processing P-Code functions for correct parsing of "Do ... Loop" and "Else" instructions at first access (P-Code)- Decompilation of __vbaFileOpen (partial), __vbaPrintFile, __vbaFileClose, __vbaInputFile, __vbaFileSeek, __vbaFileLock, __vbaGet4, __vbaGetFxStr4, __vbaGetOwner4, __vbaPut4, __vbaPutFxStr4, __vbaPutOwner4, __vbaRedim, __vbaRedimPreserve, __vbaLineInputStr, and __vbaLineInputVar (Native Code)- Decompilation of types for ByRef variables (Native Code)- Conversion of hex values to decimal (Native Code)- Processing "imul" opcode (Native Code)- Processing all 44 tables used in Ecma-335, 5th edition (.NET)- Displaying more debug information from metadata tables (.NET)- Support for method calling from MethodSpec table (.NET)- Now debug information can be hidden for faster disassembling (.NET)- Declaration of methods (.NET)- Parameters for methods and using them in IL code (.NET)- Parsing and declaration of global variables (P-Code)- Disassembler and Native Code emulator now support Windows 9x- VersionCheck plugin now supports Windows 9x- Obfuscation engine improved- BugFix: Saving forms in "Decompile only forms" mode- BugFix: Fixed processing of clicks on .NET internal tables (.NET)- BugFix: Fixed "Find next" in "Search string" tool- BugFix: RAEdit control is now resized after using Splitter control- BugFix: Variables are now not declared in disassembler mode (P-Code)- BugFix: Char "%" is now correctly displayed (P-Code)- BugFix: Fixed declaration of sub names from modules (P-Code)- BugFix: Fixed support for API names from VB 5.0- BugFix: Fixed parsing of event typesVB Decompiler v8.1 has been released (Oct. 21, 2010)What's new in this version:- Decompilation of "Do ... Loop" instructions in P-Code- Unpacker engine improved- BugFix: Fixed detection of the end of some optimized procedures in Native Code- BugFix: Fixed decompilation of forms- BugFix: Now unpacker doesn't freeze upon timeoutVB Decompiler v8.0 has been released (Aug. 28, 2010)What's new in this version:- Correct detection of the end of code in pure disassembler mode- Decompilation of negative values in object sizes- Generation of "Else" constructions in P-Code- Detection of "Exit For" command- Selection of .frx files in FRXView plugin via keyboard- ProgressBar in Windows 7 taskbar- Decompilation of LitVarUI1 P-Code opcode- Decompilation of ImpAdCallNonVirt P-Code opcode- Multilanguage interface is now supported- Spanish interface translation- French interface translation- German interface translation- Russian interface translation- Slovak interface translation- Spanish help file- German help file rewritten- Unpacker engine improved, and disassembler rewritten- Decompilation of real API calls in P-Code (used for obfuscated applications)- Resize is now supported for String References window- Unpacking timeout increased- BugFix: Decompilation of MemStAd opcode in P-Code rewritten- BugFix: Decompilation of New opcode in P-Code rewritten- BugFix: Declaration of variables in Lite version- BugFix: Clearing old VB5/6 prototypes before decompiling .NET- BugFix: Fixed "Unknown compiler" error for Chinese locale with VB5/6 applications- BugFix: Fixed MAP file saving for non-English localesVB Decompiler v7.9 has been released (March 04, 2010)What's new in this version:- Decompilation of User defined ScaleMode in Forms and PictureBoxes- Decompilation of all ImpAdLd* P-Code opcodes- Decompilation of LateIdCallLdVar P-Code opcode- Checking for unset variables in Native Code- Decompilation of Native Code improved- Correct calling of user defined functions in Native Code- Correct detection of parameters of user defined functions in Native Code- Parsing ByRef variables in Native Code- Decompilation of type &h4008 (pointer to file) in Native Code- Decompilation of rtcBstrFromFormatVar function- Decompilation of __vbaStrToUnicode function- Strings with apostrophes are now supported and decompiled correctly- Powerful parsing of strings with correct decoding of special chars in Native Code- Objects database format changed, and RetVal type added- Decompilation of object calls with new object as result, changing "This" and declaring variable with new type- Declaration of variables in Native Code- Decompilation of __vbaBoolVarNull function- Emulation of "not" command- Unpacker engine highly improved, and driver rewritten- BugFix: Fixed decompilation of ScaleMode types larger than zero- BugFix: Fixed decompilation of fields from Global GUID (Clipboard, Printer, etc.)- BugFix: Compilation of stack parameters is now enabled by defaultVB Decompiler v7.8 has been released (Dec. 26, 2009)What's new in this version:- Unpacker engine improved- Operation on Windows x64 improved- References in IL code- Decompilation of P-Code procedures with size larger than 32,767 bytes- BugFix: Fixed crashes when decompiling .NET programs in Full Decompilation modeVB Decompiler v7.7 has been released (Oct. 06, 2009)What's new in this version:- Two types of "Decompile from VA" in .NET (IL and ASM decompilation)- Obfuscator modified to avoid raising false positive alarms on AV- New version of Show References plugin. More fixes- Language autodetection for decompiled VB files (no more "???" in code)- Detection of public variable names in classes- Decompilation of access to public variables from one class to another- Database for VB5 updated- New "Options" window- Windows 7 is now fully supportedVB Decompiler v7.6 has been released (May 31, 2009)What's new in this version:- Coprocessor emulation improved- Fully compatible with old OS versions (such as Windows 9x/Me)- Optimized for Windows 7 RC1- Unpacker engine improved- BugFix: Fixed parsing of user strings (#US heap) (.NET)- BugFix: Fixed decompilation of some classes in Full Decompilation modeVB Decompiler v7.5 has been released (April 20, 2009)What's new in this version:- Namespace loading speed improved (.NET)- Database opening and saving (.NET)- Saving to TXT, IDC, Names, MAP (.NET)- Save all in one module (.NET)- Show String References (.NET)- Cache decompiled code (.NET)- Edit String References (.NET)- Parsing rtcGetDateValue- Parsing rtcFileDateTime- Intelliparsing large Native procedures- Now you can search for address jumps in active window: Simply select an address and press Ctrl+G- Unpacker engine updated- BugFix: Fixed scrolling after clicking on string references- BugFix: GoTo Virtual AddressVB Decompiler v7.4 has been released (April 7, 2009)What's new in this version:- BugFix: Fixed some crashes when decompiling obfuscated codeVB Decompiler v7.3 has been released (April 7, 2009)What's new in this version:- Unknown VTable calls are now marked and not decompiled- Progress bar for any code loading- Now you can change file path after decompilation by pressing Enter after changing FileName field- Export of names to IDA via IDC script (added to File -> Save procedures list menu)- Export of names to HIEW names file format (added to File -> Save procedures list menu)- Export of names to MAP file (added to File -> Save procedures list menu)- Parsing __vbaGenerateBoundsError- Parsing __vbaAryLock- Parsing __vbaAryUnlock- Parsing __vbaBoolVar- Parsing __vbaOnError- Saving String References list to file- Parsing Tiny code format (.NET)- Parsing FAT code format (.NET)- Disassembly of IL with showing code line offsets (.NET)- Decompilation of strings in IL (.NET)- Decompilation of virtual calls to MethodDef and MemberRef tables (.NET)- Disassembly of unmanaged methods (.NET)- Decompilation of references to Field table rows in code (.NET)- Decompilation of branch IL opcodes (.NET)- Decompilation of Int64 type (.NET)- Decompilation of SEH frames (.NET)- Decompilation of parameters for methods (.NET)VB Decompiler v7.2 has been released (March 22, 2009)What's new in this version:- New unpacker engine- Version Check plugin (checking for new VB Decompiler versions)- Changes in all help files- Parsing __vbaI2I4- Parsing __vbaR8Sgn- Parsing __vbaR8Str- Coprocessor emulation improved- If "Add Address" is unchecked in "Options," you can only use disassembler mode- New version of Show References pluginVB Decompiler v7.1 has been released (Feb. 19, 2009)What's new in this version:- Decompilation of control arrays in P-Code- New unpacker engine- Detection of control array events- BugFix: Decoding the first section offset in dumped programs- BugFix: Lcase and Ucase were not checked in type name- BugFix: Error in decompiling Labels in Native Code- BugFix: Some signatures in Native Code did not work- BugFix: Control index parsingVB Decompiler v7.0 has been released (Dec. 19, 2008)What's new in this version:- New unpacker engine- Help files changed- "For Each" decompilation in Native Code- Screen object- Printer object- Clipboard object- vbGlobal parsing- vbSingle data type- Dispatch vbaLate functions parser- Clearing FPU error checking and object checking instruction in Native Code- Decompilation of rtcGetErl- Declaration of objects in P-Code- Parsing "Set" opcode and using variables in object reference- Decompilation of "FnIntVar" in P-Code- Resorting history after deleting items - FRX Viewer plugin (.NET Framework 2.0 is required)- New type for renaming Unknown functions- BugFix: P-Code Put and Get opcodes- BugFix: Procedure analyzer and optimizer don't clear some variables- BugFix: Clearing "@" chars in names of P-Code procedures and functions- BugFix: Parameters in VTable Get/Let/Set proceduresFRX Viewer plugin v1.0 has been released (Nov. 14, 2008)What's new in this version:- Viewing any BMP files from VB files- Autocentering images in form- Displaying path of unpacked image in status barVB Decompiler v6.0 has been released (Oct. 28, 2008)What's new in this version:- New unpacker engine- Detection of parameters in unknown P-Code procedures- Decompilation of Visual Basic 4.0, 32-bit forms- Parsing __vbaVarCopy- Parsing __vbaVarCat- Parsing __vbaVarMove- Parsing __vbaStrMove- Parsing __vbaChkstk- Parsing __vbaVarPow- Parsing __vbaVarDiv- Parsing __vbaVarMul- Parsing __vbaVarAdd- Parsing __vbaVarSub- Parsing __vbaVarAbs- Parsing __vbaVarAnd- Emulation of FPU commands- BugFix: VB Decompiler now doesn't crash on Windows 2008 Server- BugFix: Form parsing if control has no id- BugFix: Vars parser in Native Code- BugFix: Decompilation of user controls if function type = 256VB Decompiler v5.0 has been released (June 14, 2008)What's new in this version:- New unpacker engine- Decompilation of OptionButton- Russian help file rewritten- New plugin functions: GetFrxIconCount, GetFrxIconOffset, GetFrxIconSize- Address in String Reference window- String editor in String Reference window- Collapsing and expanding "If" and "For" constructions in text window- BugFix: Fixed the parameters parser- BugFix: Fixed resizing on Windows Vista SP1VB Decompiler v3.9 has been released (March 2, 2008)What's new in this version:- Parsing LateIdLdVar opcode- Parsing LateIdSt opcode- Parsing CastAdVar opcode- Detection of property type (Let, Set, Get)- New powerful database for external ActiveX (richtx32.ocx, comctl32.ocx, etc.)- Recent files history list in File menu- Detection of events for UserControls- New plugin functions: ClearAllBuffers, GetCompiler, IsPacked, SetStackCheckBoxValue, SetAnalyzerCheckBoxValue- If a plugin function produces an error after using a method, the decompiler will return information about that; otherwise the decompiler will return "1"- Detection of form properties in Native Code- Detection of properties of standard controls in Native Code- New database packed format (both new and old databases are supported)- BugFix: Decompilation of "On Error" and "Resume" commands- BugFix: Parsing VTableVB Decompiler v3.8 has been released (Jan. 16, 2008)What's new in this version:- Decompilation of Imp, Eqv, Like, and Pwr prefixes (P-Code)- Decompilation of ForEach (P-Code)- Packer detection improved- Decompilation for VA now supports Native Code- Unpacker updated- New plugin for changing decompiler priority- Progress bar for Native Code "non-fast" decompilation- New signatures for P-Code in Lite version- Processing float numbers (P-Code)- Decompiler search for "VB5!" is now done for the whole first section- BugFix: Clearing the stack before parsing a procedureVB Decompiler v3.7 has been released (Oct. 24, 2007)What's new in this version:- Fast Native Code loading- Import parser improved- Native Code emulator fixed- Search for string referencesVB Decompiler v3.6 has been released (Nov. 8, 2007)What's new in this version:- Displaying External API calls in Native Code- New plugin LangeFree for editing language DLL name in VB programs (thanks to Executioner)- All windows centered on the owner- Methods parsing optimized- Strings parser rewritten (now it also works with spaces after/before strings, and with zero bytes in string)- Decompilation of commands with length > 9 in mnemonics mode (P-Code)- Calculation of VTable offset in P-Code for PropertyPages and WebClasses fixed- Command length in P-Code (NextEachVar, ExitProcFrameCb, ExitProcFrameCbStack, LateMemNamed*, LateIdNamed*, VarLateMemCallLdRfVar) fixed- Decompilation of "On Error" command (with FFFE and FFFF parameters)VB Decompiler v3.5 has been released (Nov. 4, 2007)What's new in Pro version:- Emulation of "inc", "dec", "add", "and", "or" commands (Native Code)- Emulation of flags (Native Code)- Auto filtering and deletion of __vbaHresultCheckObj and __vbaNew2 object checking from code (Native Code)What's new in all versions:- Generic unpacker for most packers (thanks to Archer) If a program is packed, VB Decompiler will detect that automatically- No "Emulation errors" anymore. Now all errors are handled and displayed after decompilation- FASM Plugin SDK- CreateMap plugin (thanks to Executioner)- AddRef plugin improved- Search in string references window- New Vista icon- Bugfix: Import of table loading- Bugfix: vbaVarFree emulation if vars > 1000- Bugfix: Decompilation of procedures with 9999+ lines of codeVB Decompiler v3.4 has been released (Aug. 29, 2007)What's new in Pro version:- Native Code stack parser- Native Code procedure analyzer and optimizer- Native Code emulator improved- OEP disassembly and emulation (100 percent VBHeader finding)What's new in all versions:- Autodetection of procedures protected with VMP- Bound import is now used for names recovery (UnObfuscator)- New plugin functions (GetFileName, IsNativeCompilation, GetVBFormCount, GetModuleCount, GetModuleFunctionCount)- Bugfix: Resizing in Vista- Bugfix: ActiveX version in Project .vbp files - Bugfix: Patch function did not work after database loading- Bugfix: Unicode conversions fixVB Decompiler v3.3 has been released (April 24, 2007)What's new in this version:- Autodetection of Native Code procedure size (only in Pro version)- Decompilation of AppActivate command- Decompilation of If ... End If constructions in Native Code (only in Pro version)- Bugfix: Plugins CallBack fixedVB Decompiler v3.2 has been released (March 4, 2007)What's new in this version:- Splitter between tree and code text- Recovery of method types (Sub or Function)- Recovery of functions names- Recovery of functions parameters (with names)- Native Code modules decompiler (new code binary search and analysis)- Methods and Properties now have different icons- German help file- Show Code References plugin by Aslan Babakhanov- Decompilation of ThisVCallHResult opcode- New database format- Plugin function GetActiveText (51) sets data for text box and ActiveModule- Decompilation of global variables as global_XX- Decompilation of "FLdPr", "NewIfNullPr" and "VCallAd" P-Code commands- Decompilation of Long strings to .frx- Decompilation of event types- Decompilation of control names in code (VCallAd)- DateAdd, LikeStr API decompilation- Decompilation of "Resume" P-Code command- Decompilation of "ImpAd*" as memory address to user variable (MemVar_XXXXXXXX)- Decompilation of "LateIdLdVar" P-Code command- Decompilation of "AryLdRf" P-Code command- Decompilation of "LateMemSt", "LateMemLd" and "LateMemCall" P-Code commands- Decompilation of Mem API "GetMem*", "PutMem*" and "SetMem*"- Decompilation of "LateIdCall" P-Code command- Bugfix: Disassembler options did not work correctly in "Goto virtual address"- Bugfix: Circle, Line, Scale methods fixed- Bugfix: Timer Top property decompilation- Bugfix: FRX buffer was not cleared before new decompilation- Bugfix: Patch option worked only if Fast Decompilation mode was ONVB Decompiler v3.1 has been released (Jan. 16, 2007)What's new in this version:- Native Code disassembler improved (code emulation and tracing)- Native decompilation of __vbaFreeObjList, __vbaFreeStrList, __vbaFreeVarList- WebClass decompilation (this form is only used in DLLs)- "All Files" pattern added to "Open File" dialog- VB Decompiler version in resulting files- Decompilation of "Write" and "Input" VB opcodes- "Format" VB5 API decompilation- Decompilation of all ImpAdSt* opcodes- Decompilation of all modules with ObjectType = &H18041- New plugin function SetActiveTextLine (54)- New plugin function GetActiveModuleCoordinats (55)- New plugin function GetVBDecompilerPath (56)- Bugfix: Image under textbox was flashing- Bugfix: "Add Address" option locked decompilation process- Bugfix: Menu unlocking after loading .NET programs- Bugfix: End_ID string references were not used correctly- Bugfix: API in event declarations were not filtered in P-Code- Bugfix: Command32 parameter in project with one quote- Bugfix: SystemPath changed to system32 in project- Bugfix: Native Code class was not decompiled in "Fast Decompilation" mode- Bugfix: VB5 P-Code module procedures were incorrect- Bugfix: Plugins menu fixed for Windows VistaVB Decompiler v3.0 has been released (Nov. 20, 2006)What's new in this version:- Advanced code patching tool- Decompilation of DataSource property- MaskColor property converted to HEX- Context comments for MousePointer property- Decompilation of "Collection" object- Decompilation of "Screen" object- Decompilation of all MemLd* and MemSt* opcodes- Prototype generator for all functions- String References engine improved- Asm Plugin SDK (thanks to Jupiter)- Bugfix: Fixed form and control properties: Align, MultiSelect, LinkMode, BOFAction, EOFAction, DefaultType, OLETypeAllowed, OLEDragMode, OLEDropMode, ScaleMode, FontTransparent, AutoRedraw- Bugfix: BorderStyle properties for Line and Shape- Bugfix: Timer linear sizes- Bugfix: Progress bar resizing- Bugfix: Procedure analyzer and optimizer crashed if var > 999VB Decompiler v2.7 has been released (Sept. 25, 2006)What's new in this version:This decompiler version contains major modifications. Now you candecompile even a 10-megabyte EXE file in only 5-10 seconds thanksto on-the-fly decompilation technology. Now, if you select the"Fast decompilation" checkbox in the options, the decompiler willdecompile not the entire file, but only the tree of functions. Functionswill be decompiled transparently for you when you access them, so youcan start analyzing the file at once. Of course, the decompiler willdecompile the rest of the file when you save the project, but it's betteranyway as it is much more important to start faster than to save theproject faster. Let me remind you that you might as well disable thisoption. You will also find the "Cache decompiled code" checkbox in theoptions. It is used to decompile a function only once; when you access itlater, it will take code from the internal structures of the decompiler. Do notenable this option if you want to use different on-the-fly decompilation methodsvia the "Compile stack parameters" and "Procedure analyzer and optimizer"checkboxes.VB Decompiler v2.6 has been released (Aug. 26, 2006)What's new in this version:- Obfuscator engine improved- Decompilation of VB5 modules- New engine for decompiling VB6 modules- 100+ MSVBVM50.DLL signatures- Decompilation of some structures in .NET applications (experimental)- Decompilation of string references in .NET applications- Find string in text field and find string references in RAEdit control- Fixed some bugs in obfuscation engineVB Decompiler v2.5 has been released (Aug. 5, 2006)What's new in this version:- Double stack engine (for variables and records)- More fixes in signatures- Decompilation of structure code- Portuguese help file- Saving code without forms to database- DragMode property from 2 bytes to 1 byte fixedVB Decompiler v2.4 has been released (June 21, 2006)for registered users onlyWhat's new in this version:- More memory leak fixes- 100KB+ Native code procedures are now decompiled correctly- Long name paths (255+ chars) are now supported when saving or loading resultsVB Decompiler v2.3 has been released (April 11, 2006)What's new in this version:- Icons updated, and now they look nicer- More syntax coloring options added- Decompilation of GUID objects in P-Code improved- Lots of new signatures and fixes- Decompilation speed increased- C++ Plugin SDK (thanks to Jupiter)- Decompilation of "Print" opcode- String references in native applications- Data object Unicode properties- P-Code commands with 10+ parametersVB Decompiler v2.2 has been releasedWhat's new in Lite version:- New, cool RichEdit control RAEdit.dll (big thanks to KetilO)- String references and API references in native applications- New price for 2.2 Pro- Norton AV false positive alarm fixed (program repacked)- More bugfixesVB Decompiler v2.1 has been releasedWhat's new in Lite and Pro versions:- Decompilation from offset- New icons added to main menu- Decompilation of dumped files if NtHeaderSize 0E- Support for Windows 98/NT- Generation of class modules improved- New, very fast API decompilation- String reference onclose bug fixedWhat's new in Pro version only:- Decompilation of "For Each ... Next" construction- New encryption algorithm- Prototypes of ASProtect and Guardant API (from SDK)- Stack engine improved- End procedure bug fixedVB Decompiler v2.0 has been releasedWhat's new in Lite version:- Saving decompiled data to a single database file- New plugins SDKWhat's new in Pro version:- Decompilation of standard objects (without OLE control)- Function tree- New search and string reference engine- More bugfixes in signatures- More other bugfixesVB Decompiler v1.4 has been releasedWhat's new in Lite version:- New icons added to main menu- Plugins support plus SDKWhat's new in Pro version:- Local variables engine Declarations of variables moved to the start of procedure; now it's easier to analyze P-Code- More fixes in signatures- Powerful obfuscation engine This obfuscation engine will modify your program. Most decompilers will crash when attempting to decompile an obfuscated program; alternatively, they will not be able to distinguish names of forms, objects, and procedures. Use this engine to better protect your VB programs.VB Decompiler v1.3 has been releasedWhat's new in Lite version:- Command line support- Processing Project file for OCX and DLL improved- Full Russian language help- Registration dialog- Installer and uninstallerWhat's new in Pro version:- Processing If ... End If structures improvedVB Decompiler v1.2 has been releasedWhat's new in Lite version:- Decompilation of constants- Color theme support (select a theme in options dialog)What's new in Pro version:- Selection of P-Code decompiling mode (mnemonics or simple source)VB Decompiler v1.1 has been releasedWhat's new in Lite version:- Balloon ToolTip help- Options dialog (with many options)- Minor changes in program interface- Decompilation of references to DLLs used in program- Some string-decompiling bugs fixedVB Decompiler v1.0 has been releasedWhat's new in Lite version:- Added command line support- Added drag-and-drop for files- Added Browse button to main form- Fixed all disassembler crashes (using new disassembler DLL)- Fixed some form decompiling bugs- Fixed some project saving bugsWhat's new in Pro version:- Disassembly of native code with API Calls and String ReferencesVB Decompiler v0.4 has been releasedWhat's new:- Fixed disassembling of addresses- Fixed crashes if file is not found- Fixed some bugs in decompiling formsVB Decompiler v0.3 has been releasedWhat's new:- Addded icons to the main menu- New encryption algorithm- Added some new dialogs- Non critical bugs fixedVB Decompiler v0.2 has been releasedWhat's new:- Fixed bug while processing files without forms 2ff7e9595c