I have been using EasyEDA for over a year now with great results.The most startling things about EasyEDA are not just that it is free up to the point where you want to physically buy a (low cost) PCB directly from EasyEDA but that, unlike ExpressPCB and some others, you are not tied into buying the PCBs from EasyEDA: you can download Gerbers and send them off to any PCB fab house at no charge from EasyEDA.
Holophase circad download free
The circuit board designs listed in the parts lists are available in CIRCAD format and are posted on the TDL website. (CIRCAD is a circuit board design program available from Holophase. The boards in the pmcalpcb.zip file were designed with Version 4, a free download of which is available on the Holophase website.) The physical boards are not available. 2ff7e9595c