Adorage Effects Package 13 offers hundreds of modifiable effects and transitions for themes such as family, celebrations and party. Complete in HD, with 64-Bit support and plugins for the best editing solution: excellent quality of effects, extremely fast analysis, professional results.
"If you installed Premiere Pro Cs 5.5, Adorage Plugin work (if you had allready Installed Adorage plugins). Just Copy & Paste C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS5\MediaCore\ Copy Folder - proDAD to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS5.5\MediaCore\ Paste Folder - proDAD"
Answer: You just installed the "basic proDAD Adorage", without any volume (you probably run adorage-30-service32bit.exe only). Install one of the Adorage Volume you purchased, and it will 'unlock' your version in Pinnacle Studio (the demo logo will vanish) 2ff7e9595c